Pakistani actor and host Veena Malik has slammed Indian tennis star Sania Mirza after a picture and video of cricketer Shoaib Malik, Mirza and other Pakistan cricketers visiting a sheesha cafe ahead of Pakistan's match against India went viral.
Karachi (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News / Online - 18th June, 2019) Pakistani actor and host Veena Malik has slammed Indian tennis star Sania Mirza after a picture and video of cricketer Shoaib Malik, Mirza and other Pakistan cricketers visiting a sheesha cafe ahead of Pakistan's match against India went viral.The picture and video which went viral on Sunday night started generating controversy as Pakistan faced an upsetting defeat in the match against arch-rivals India due to the poor performance of players.In a series of tweets, Veena, reacting to a now deleted fan video which showed Mirza, Malik and other Pakistani cricketers, questioned the tennis star's parenting method."Sania, I am actually so worried for the kid.
You guys took him to a sheesha place isn't it hazardous? Also as far as I know Archie's is all about junk food which isn't good for athletes/Boys. You must know well as you are mother and athlete yourself?"," Veena tweeted.Mirza then shot back at the actor and said she cares about her son 'more than anyone else'."Veena, I have not taken my kid to a sheesha place.
Not that it's any of your or the rest of the world's business cause I think I care about my son a lot more than anyone else does :) secondly I am not Pakistan cricket team's dietician nor am I their mother or principal or teacher," Mirza wrote.Later in another tweet, Mirza while trying to end the discussion tweeted, "To know when they sleep, wake up and eat ..
thank you for your concern though .. means a lot."After the match, fans alleged that Malik, Mirza and other cricketers of the Pakistan team were at the sheesha cafe till 2am in the morning, hours before Pakistan's critical match with India.However, the video was from the night of June 14 (Friday) not Saturday as being alleged by fans and on social media.In a statement, the Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB) clarified that no player had violated curfew and returned to their hotel rooms' on-time the night before Pakistan's match against India.
The board added that players had gone out with their families two days before the match.
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